Friday, August 5, 2011

Abundant Grace To Sinners

1 Timothy 1:8-17

Paul explained to Timothy that the Law is good if we use it lawfully.

We are to use the law to demonstrate the sinfulness of sinners.


The Law is an effective witnessing tool.

It shows us our sinfulness.

It reveals the darkness in our hearts.

It demonstrates how short of perfection we fall.


Until we realize that we are lost, we will have no desire to be found.

Until we find that we are guilty, we will have no desire to be pardoned.

Until we see our sins, we will have no need for a Savior.


The Law is not made for a righteous man.

The Law is made for the lawless and rebellious.


Paul tells Timothy that allowing, encouraging, or excusing sins are contrary to sound teaching.


Paul thanks God for His abundant grace.


At the time God saved Paul, he was in horrendous sin.

He was then known as Saul, and was an enemy of God and God's people.

He was a murderer and a persecutor of Christians.

But God called him to salvation.

And God called him to minister the gospel.


Paul is a great example of God's abundant grace to sinners.


Paul said that he is the worst of sinners.

But the Lord God still has mercy on him.


Some of us are not as bad as Paul.


God the Father had sent His Son to take the punishment for our sin.

The Lord Jesus Christ had died on the cross so that we could live.


Can we see the sinfulness of our sins?

Can we understand why the Lord Jesus Christ has to die on the cross?

Look at Paul.

And see God's abundant grace to sinners.

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