Saturday, November 21, 2009

People Respect Us Because We Respect Them

People respect us because we are dedicated and committed to what we say and do everyday.

They respect us because of our talents, knowledge, vision and principle.

They respect us because of our determination, tenacity, resilience and assertiveness.

They respect us for the superior quality of our services and products.


People also respect us because of what we have gone through and what we have ended up with.

They respect us for what we have dealt with in our past.

They respect us for our strong mind, stout heart, and iron will.


People also respect us for our manners, kindness and conduct.

They admire our honesty, fairness and integrity.

They welcome us because we always try to avoid confrontation, and always seek to address issues in a positive and constructive way.


People also respect us for our differences.

They respect us for our different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, and different dreams.

They respect us for our ability to make everything and everyone look so good.


But most of all, People respect us because we respect them.

We can only earn our respect from others by respecting them.

Do you agree with me?

Good day.

1 comment:

philly5113 said...

I agree with this position. These are things we know and understand but rarely follow...well there are many people who do but more of us seems not to. I did a post on microbiotics whis is the philosophy here. So now I have confirmation that I need to make the change to achieve a healthier lifestyle. check it out at
Well done!

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