Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Asking For The Crumbs

Mark 7:24-30

The Lord Jesus Christ was approached by a mother who had desperate need.


The Mother And Her Request (25-26)

The Reason She Came

The woman was concerned about her daughter.

The child was demon possessed.

The Reason She Called

The woman was desperate and she saw the Lord Jesus as her only hope!


The Mother And Her Resolve (27-28)

The Obstacles Of Faith

This woman had to overcome many obstacles in order to secure her daughter’s healing:

The Obstacle Of Race

She was a Canaanite from Tyre and Sidon.

She was descended from a cursed people.

She was from a region known for vile religious practices.

The Obstacle Of Religion

She was a Gentile woman.

But she came to the Jewish Messiah.

The Obstacle Of Racism

When the disciples saw and heard her calling out to their Messiah, they reacted by telling the Lord Jesus to send her away!

She was not one of their people!

The Obstacle Of Rejection

The Lord Jesus told her that His whole purpose in coming to this world was to reach the lost sheep of Israel.

But she persisted.


The Opportunities Of Faith

The obstacles that were thrown up by the Lord Jesus were not placed there to discourage and defeat her.

The obstacles were placed there to mature her faith.


The woman replied, “Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

The woman wasn’t asking for everything, just a crumb!


The Lord Jesus took this woman and her small faith and led her along and helped grow her faith.


When we continue to seek the Lord in spite of every hindrance, we will eventually see Him do what we need done.


The Obligations Of Faith

The woman persisted in spite of everything that was thrown into her pathway.

She persisted because her little daughter needed to be delivered from her bondage and her family needed to be saved.

She needed help and she was determined to get it!

She wouldn’t give up until she got what she needed!


The Mother And Her Reward (29-30)

Jesus Responded To Her Faith

He was amazed by the depth of her faith!

He had tested her faith with hard words and her faith had risen to the challenge!

Jesus Rewarded Her Faith

He rewarded her faith by giving her exactly what she asked for; He healed her daughter!


A little crumb from the Lord’s Table may be all we need today.


Do we need to be saved?

Do we need a mountain moved in our lives?

Do we need to be restored to faith and fellowship?

Do we need to see God moving in someone else’s life?


Regardless of what our need today, we can come to the Lord Jesus and we can get it.

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