Sunday, December 4, 2011

Don’t Hinder The Children

Mark 10:13-16

The Lord Jesus turned His attention to the children brought to Him by their parents.

He prayed for them and blessed them.

The disciples rebuked the parents.

The Lord Jesus was indignant.

He rebuked the disciples for their attitude regarding the children.

He told them that little children were what the kingdom of Heaven was all about.


Parents are to tell their children about Jesus Christ.

They are to expose their children to the Gospel.

They are to bring them to the church on a regular basis.

They are to pray for them.

They are to guide them in the Bible study at home.

They are to be consistent in their lives as believers.


Parents are to educate their children about Jesus Christ.

They are to educate their children about the things of God.

They should bring their children face to face with the saving Lord early in their lives.


Parents are to encourage their children to believe in Jesus Christ.

They are to encourage their children to seek the things of God.

They are to teach them to pray at an early age.

They are to make the Bible a big part of their daily life.

They are to pray with them.

They are to bring them to Sunday School and preaching.

They are to involve them in church activities.


Children need to be saved.

They are sinners too.

Parents are to do all they can to bring their children face to face with the claims of the Gospel.

They are to expose them to the Word of God.


Children become accountable for their sins when they come to age.

They are responsible for their sins when they can understand the difference between right and wrong, and are able to choose between them.

When children reach a level of mental understanding regarding the nature of sin and its consequences, and are able to make a decision for or against Jesus Christ, they are to make correct decision.


Children are trusting, humble and dependent.

They don’t worry over food, clothing or shelter.

They don’t doubt that their family members love them.

They simply accept profound things by faith.

They don’t look beyond the obvious.

They just believe!

So should we; we must have childlike faith if we are to be saved!


When the disciples rebuked the parents, the Lord Jesus Christ was indignant.

He was very angry when the disciples tried to prevent children from coming to Him.

Children hold a special place in His heart!

And He took the time to bless each individual child that came before Him.


The Lord Jesus cares about children.

He prays for them and blesses them.


The Lord Jesus loves believers with childlike qualities.

He will readily help them and bless them when they come to Him.

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