Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Personal Experience With Jesus Christ

John 1: 37, 40

A successful soul winner must have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

There Is A Commitment In Salvation. Before anyone can witness, they must know what they are talking about! They have to be saved before they can share!

There Is A Confidence In Salvation. They must have their salvation nailed down. When there is a lack of confidence in one’s own salvation, there will be a lack of power in one’s witness.

There Is A Clear Testimony Of Salvation. They must think their own salvation experience through in detail. Only then can they tell others what has happened in their lives.

Our most powerful illustration of salvation is our own personal experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Andrew was able to share with Peter what he had already experienced of Jesus Christ.  

1 comment:

k and k world said...

nice contents! happy to be here

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